Milestones in the Life of Christ
Ambassador, paperback: ISBN 1-898787-38-7
When we view the life of Jesus Christ, we can only conclude ‘God has visited His people.’ Jesus Christ is incomparable. Who else could divide time into C and AD, and who else could divide humanity into the saved and the lost?
This book, written by one who has know the Saviour for many years, looks at key milestones in the life of Christ, along with their crucial relevance and meaning for us today. The mix of interesting background information couples with a warm devotion is such that Walking with Jesus will feed your mind, warm your heart and stir your soul. The author’s easy to read style and extensive knowledge of the Bible will prove to be a tonic to your faith and draw you closer to the Saviour (Back cover).
- The Milestone of His Birth
- The Milestone of His Baptism
- The Milestone of His Temptation
- The Milestone of His First Miracle
- The Milestone of a Famous Feast
- The Milestone of Peter’s Declaration
- The Milestone of His Transfiguration
- The Milestone of Gethsemane
- The Milestone of His Cross
- The Milestone of His Resurrection
- The Milestone of His Ascension
‘Delightful reading … a devotional classic’ (British Reformed Journal).