This book consists of a devotional, typological and factual study of the Person of Christ, along with some of the blessings He imparts to all who trust Him. The author points out that our blessing derives from Christ’s bruising. As some fragrant plants do not yield their sweet perfume unless they are crushed, likewise, if our Saviour had not been crushed at Calvary, He could not have given His sweetest pardon. (From the back cover)
- The Fragrance of the Sacred Perfume
- The Fragrance of the Sacrificing Priests
- The Fragrance of the Sweetest Person
- The Fragrance of the Supplicant’s Prayers
- The Fragrance of the Saline Promise
- The Fragrance of the Saved’s Priesthood
- The Fragrance of the Sanctified Pieces
- The Fragrance of the Shared Partnership
- The Fragrance of the Sister’s Preparation
- The Fragrance of the Saviour’s Passion
Appendix: The Fragrance of the Scented Produce