About Timothy Cross

Author and Preacher

Born in Cardiff, Wales, of English parents, Timothy's spiritually formative years were spent in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Currently he resides in Cardiff, Wales. He is thankful for a Christian mother who brought him under the sound of the Gospel even before birth. Born in a Salvation Army maternity home, dedicated to Christ when seven minutes old, converted in later teens, Timothy is currently a member of Cornwall Street Baptist Church, Grangetown, Cardiff, where he also serves as a deacon.

About Timothy's Writing

Committed to the Biblical Gospel

Dr. Timothy Cross is committed to ministry that is rigorously biblical. His practice is to spend hours in sermon preparation (he preaches regularly) and the fruit of much of this preparation finds its way into the numerous volumes he has written over the years. Find out more about Dr. Cross and his ministry in the various pages of this site...

Weekly Saturday Ten-Minute Devotional

Visit the Facebook page of Cornwall Street Baptist Church to enjoy a short video devotional from Dr. Timothy Cross.


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There is no book like the Bible, for the Bible alone reveals the way to live blessedly for ever. It contains our Maker’s instructions for a truly happy life, a happy death and a happy eternity. It is the only sure guide to how we may ‘glorify God and enjoy Him for ever’, and so fulfil our chief end. We thus ignore the Bible – the written Word of God – at our peril.

The Bible though is a vast book of sixty six books. It can seem a little overwhelming. That is where this book comes in. It is designed to give you an overview of the Bible, enabling you to grasp its main message, see the wood from the trees and where the most significant parts and themes fit and relate
to the whole. Interestingly, the Bible both begins and ends in a garden. In this book, we will travel from one end of the Bible to the other, beginning in the Garden of Eden and ending in the glorious Garden City of the New Jerusalem, while viewing some of the main milestones in-between.

Come then and embark on an enlightening and exciting Christian journey through the Book of books, travelling the main Bible highway From the
Garden to the Glory.

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” . . . An excellent resource for old and new alike to immerse ourselves in and having done so go out with a new song to sing, a flag to follow and a story to tell, that may once more change the world.”
Revd Marcus Nelson
Vicar St Marks Evangelical Anglican Church
Cardiff, Wales

“This book, full of biblical truth, will assist with the growing up aspect of our Christian lives. Good theology, plainly presented, is essential for the disciple of Jesus. Here is a tool for both those new in the faith and for those who want to go deeper into the essentials.”
Kent Philpott, Pastor
Miller Avenue Baptist Church
Mill Valley, California USA

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